Fit2U follower Question:
What do you think of those 30 minute exercise places (not to mention any specific place)?
Sitting is one of the most laziest position to be in. So why go to a gym or your workout centre to try and get in a good workout just to be in the most laziest position? Plus you probably sit all day long at work or in the car or on the couch so why reinforce that non-calorie burning position by sitting even more?
What you need to do is train the body in multiple planes, multiple speeds, multiple movement patterns, called functional exercises. Your body is designed to move in many planes so why restrict your body to move in only a one movement plane such as that piece of equipment at the gym where you sit and do some leg extensions? Really you think you are going to lose weight or get toned by doing this?? Plus those piece of equipment don't even use weights, they use hydraulic pumps!
Let me ask you this, are groceries weighed in pounds or "hydraulic mass"?? Are babies weighed in pounds or "hydraulic mass"?? Or how about getting up and down off of a chair, do you think by training to sit will help you get up and down off the toilet or out of a car?? NO!! I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. This type of training is a waste of time and you are not training your muscles for REAL life things that you should train for. Am I wrong but don't you go to the gym to get stronger to lift your groceries or lift your baby or get in and out of the car easier or help get a person out of a burning building if you need to??
So if your goal is weight loss or to be more toned or even gain muscle, why not do functional exercises. Whether you are a stay at home mom or a firefighter looking to gain strength, you can get in the best shape by training this way.
So what are functional exercises? These are things like push-ups, squats, lay-down stand ups. If you want more ideas check out my “Get Shredded” DVD, where there is no equipment, all body-weight exercises that you can do right in your own house. I promise if you do my workout 3-5 times per week you will see your body transform. So long as you are feeding your body the right foods.
If you have a question you would like to ask me write me an email, leave a comment here or post one up on my FIT2U Facebook Page.
Until next time,