Hey Ruperties
Mark your calenders, I am doing a Seafest Bootcamp again this year!! This year it takes place at Mariners Park on Saturday June 11th from 2:00pm until 3:00pm.
Last year I helped raise money for Cops for Cancer and I am doing it again this year, But I have a twist......this year you can compete with some local mounties in a fitness competition. For every $5 donation they will have to endure an extra 10 seconds of whatever torture pain exercise I decide to make them do......, maybe a plank or bicycle crunches......lol. All for good fun of course.
And Afterwards, we will all do some bootcamp type exercises together. So come down, and do a few squats for a good cause. Or if you aren't feeling like enduring my bootcamp, come down to donate anyway and cheer on the mounties!!
See you Saturday for a good sweat.....Rain or Shine, the Mounties will be there!!