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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Go Coco Over Coconuts!

Fit2U Question: 
could you tell me how good coconut is for you and if there are any negative effects that I should be aware of.......thanks!!!

Coconut juice, milk, cream and the shavings of the coconut flesh are highly beneficial to your health. Luckily, this healthy nut is also a tasty ingredient for soups, stews, curries, desserts and drinks.

For the last 3 or so weeks I have been using So Delicious Coconut Milk. 
Why? Because there is less sugar, less calories, less sodium compared to milk. I am not saying that milk is bad, well unless you are in the states, but here in Canada, our milk meets high standards. 

For more info on Canada's Dairy Farmers:

If you live in the states however, that is another topic for another day. But I will say that if I lived in the states I would buy organic milk or drink So Delicious only! They don't have any laws about whether their cows have GMO's (Genetically Modified Ingredients), antibiotics or hormones. 
What else is so great about So Delicious??

What are the benefits of coconuts? They have a lengthy list. The best info I found was on this website:
From this website, I found all the nutritional information on coconut oil, shredded and water.

More about coconuts....
The coconut palm grows in warm, humid climates. The word “coco” originally meant “monkey”, and the coconut was given its name because of the three spots on its shell that resembles a monkey’s face.

The best info that I have found on coconuts is from livestrong website:

You might be wondering why I am redirecting you to all these websites? Well that is because this is exactly where I get my information. I could simply copy there answer but that would be copyright, so check out these websites and see the many health benefits of coconuts. 

Just to name a few of the many benefits that I have found:
  • Coconuts support tissue and muscle, healing and repair, which means that it can help sore muscles after a heavy work out to repair quickly, enabling the body to endure heavy exercise sooner.
  • Coconut flesh, water, milk or cream is utilized by the body to produce energy in preference to being stored as body fat like other dietary fats. 
  • Coconuts improve insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.
  • Coconut increases the metabolic rate of the body, which means that energy is consumed faster and excess body weight is burned off
  • Coconut contains a PH that is good for the skin, supporting the natural chemical balance of the skin.
  • Coconuts soften the skin and helps to relieve dryness and flaking. 
  • Coconut improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth. 
  • Coconut helps to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, while promoting a healthy complexion and beautiful hair.
  • Coconut kills the contagious viruses that cause the common cold, influenza, hepatitis C, measles and herpes.
  • Coconut helps to protect the body against osteoporosis, kidney disease, liver disease and bladder infections. It also protects the body from breast, colon and other cancers.
  • Coconut is heart healthy; it improves the cholesterol ratio and protects the arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis, therefore reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Coconut helps to prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.
  • Coconut also helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.
To name a few! There are so many benefits to coconuts. 
So is there anything bad about this nut??

Although coconut contains saturated fat, a closer examination shows that not all saturated fats pose a health problem. Saturated fat chains exist in a variety of lengths which impact the body differently. 

Research has demonstrated that Long Chain Triglycerides (LCT) represent the most sinister saturated fat. LCTs exist primarily in foods derived from animals and have been linked to heart disease and a number of other chronic conditions. The body stores LCTs as fat. North Americans consume an excess amount of animal-sourced LCT, which drives many of the health problems in this country.

Coconut represents a vegetarian-sourced saturated fat consisting of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). Scientists have long recognized MCFAs such as lauric and capric acid for their anti-viral and anti-microbial properties. The body utilizes MCFAs as energy instead of storing them as fat.

Consider this.....

The So Delicious brand of coconut milk has a better nutritional profile than many other traditional coconut milk products. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, the average canned coconut milk product contains a whopping 445 calories, 48 g of total fat and 42 g of saturated in every 8-oz. serving. So Delicious Coconut Milk only has 50 calories, 5 g of total fat and 5 g of saturated fat per serving. Whereas a cup of traditional coconut milk would contain more than double the daily value amount of saturated fat recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a cup of So Delicious Coconut Milk only uses up 25 percent of the FDA daily value recommendation for saturated fat.

I say go ahead, drink and eat this fruit. It is a fruit, I looked it up. Just watch out for the canned coconut milk as it is very calorie dense. A little can go a long way for flavor.

Check out more products with So delicious. They have so many products and they all sound yummy. However, I have not seen any of these where I live. Probably only available in the states. Damm I wish sometimes I lived in the states. Although on the other hand, I take that back, I am glad I don't live there cause I know what is in my milk and beef: no hormones, no antibiotics and no GMO's!

More on Coconuts.....
The Coconut Tree is known to have many uses, from its roots to tips (leaves), from culinary to non-culinary. In the Philippines, the coconut tree is considered as the “Tree of Life”.
Enjoy the Tree of Life and what it has to offer. 

Until next time,

Live Active........Live Healthy..........Live Happy

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