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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Knee Pain during your runs? This may help!

FIT2U Follower Question:

I was wondering if you could help me with something. I just started a learn to run program and it's going into our 3rd week and I am all of a sudden finding that when I run my knees are killing me! I find I get a sharp pain on the inside lower area kind of by my kneecap. I was wondering if you knew what I may be doing wrong or how to prevent it. I'm really enjoying the program but I'm afraid I won't be able to continue if the pain doesn't stop. 

Thanks for the question!

First off, congrats on starting a running program!! Ask yourself first, why are you running? Do you enjoy it? Is it fun for you? Asking yourself this cause if you are simply doing it to lose weight or get into shape, there are other things you could do. But if you truly love running cause it is awesome mentally, physically and very peaceful....this is what I think anyway, they great, read on.........

Reasons I run:
I run cause it clears my head, I feel great afterwards and you can get an amazing body doing it.

However, I started to only have knee problems when I started running faster and longer distances to try to train for a race last year. I was training hard, so more runs each week and trying to cut my times down for each run. After that race, my knees have never been the same. I get that same pain you do, under neath the knee cap.

Here is what I did after that race, cause not running for me, isn't an option, I will never not run:

1. I started running to enjoy running again...so I slowed my pace right down.

2. I listened to my body, if I felt pain during my runs, I walked it off, or I will slow down, or I do some other form of exercises

3. I Strengthened my quads. Do lots of squats, lunges, core strength...it all helps.

4. Make sure you are stretching after, only after you run or workout. Hold each stretch for about 2-3 breaths. No time to stretch, do it in the shower and the most important muscle you need to stretch after a run: calves, quads, hamstrings and hip flexors.

5. Make sure you do a warm-up before you hit the pavement, this will reduce your chance to get injured or re-injured. What to do as a warm-up: a 5minute walk or, jog or the spot or jumping jack, anything that will lube-up those joints through a range or motion, no static stretches (which are stretches that you hold, such as a quad stretch, stretch this way after your run)

6. After a run, I ice my knee to reduce any swelling and inflammation. Ice to 15-20, then rest (take ice off) for 20-30 minutes, then ice one more time. If you don't have time for 2 sets of icing, one is better than none

7. It could be your shoes, make sure you have a good pair. Usually a good pair, depending on how much mileage you are putting on them, but a good pair should last you no more than 2 years. If you shoes are older than that, I guarantee you need some new ones. I get new shoes every year....if I try to extend it, my feet hurt, my knees start hurting, then hips, then back....its not worth the pain. I would check out any sport apparel store and talk to a shoe rep there. My favs are asics gel...any asics are the bomb for runners.

I hope this helps. One last thing: pavement hurts more than a softer ground like grass or treadmill or the track so try to keep the pavement runs to a minimum.

Take care and happy running!

Until next time,

Live Active........Live Healthy..........Live Happy
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