They work your chest, triceps, your core......virtually every muscle in your body is acting as stabilizers and it get your heart rate up. I Love them!!
Now Here's your Fun Weekly Challenge:
Do 10 Push-ups per day. It doesn't matter when, as soon as you get up, before breakfast, lunch, dinner, while watching TV......just do 10. Also try to do them all from your toes. Can only do 1 from your toes, that's fine, do the rest from your knees and tomorrow try for 2 from your toes...working your way up to 10.Here's a picture from a client who could barely do one when she first started with me only 4 weeks ago. Look at her now, look how deep she is she is doing 10 push-ups from her toes no problem......I'm going to start having to make it 20 for her ;)