The Lean Body Coaching Program
What kind of body do you really want?
Think about it for a second. Ask yourself, “What kind of body do I really want?” Women often say something like, “Oh, I just want a nice, toned body. Not TOO muscular, but firm.” Toned Men usually say something like, “I want to be big – muscular and strong.” Or, “I want to be lean, with fully defined abs.” Well, I’m with you. Both noble goals.
Whatever that ideal body is for you, the point is, you know what you want to look like. You can picture it in your mind. You know exactly what kind of body you want. Now brace yourself and ask yourself honestly: “Why don’t I already have the body I want?” “Why don’t I look the way I want to look, right now?”
Ask yourself:
“What’s holding me back?”
Let’s consider the possibilities . . .
Is it a lack of motivation? Maybe. In my experience, however, people who actively seek out solutions to their problems have motivation. You don’t need to move mountains to get in the best shape of your life; you just need to get started, and everyone can do that. If you can start, you can finish – as long you start doing the right things! You see, once you’ve started to change your body, you don’t need motivational slogans and pep talks. What you need are results. Results are the true motivation. When you’re doing something that works, you just look in the mirror and say, “Damn, I look good – this stuff really works.” That’s it. It’s positive reinforcement of what you’ve been doing, and so you keep doing it. So the problem isn’t lack motivation.
Poor exercise habits? Sometimes, especially if you’re completely sedentary. If your daily activity involves nothing more than sitting at your desk, than sitting on your couch, then lying in your bed, than you’re simply not going to get the body you want. Looking good naked requires exercise, and probably more than you’re told is necessary. (30 minutes three times a week? I don’t think so.) But even so, I see lots of people who are already exercising with highly skilled trainers and coaches or log many hours at the gym– and many times even they aren’t getting the results they’re looking for. So, you still don’t have your best body now and you log in a lot of exercise. What’s really holding you back?
Bad genetics? Look, this is a definite NO. This is an excuse for many and it is only about less than 10% a factor. You know what bad genetics are? Being born without legs. A propensity to gain fat around your midsection is NOT bad genetics. Sure, each of us has certain genetic limitations; for instance, you may not ever play forward in the NBA or make the Olympic team – in other words, you may not have the genetic makeup to reach the upper limits of human performance. But you can always lose fat or gain muscle. In my experience of working with people from 17 to 60 years old, I’ve yet to see a single case where I couldn’t make significant body composition change – and that’s what you really want, isn’t it? So if you’ve been using the old “bad genetics” routine, stop shaking your fist at the heavens, and look a little closer at the real problem.
So what IS the real problem? Ask yourself again: “Why DON’T I have the body I want?”
What’s really holding you back?
Look, it’s not your lack of inspirational posters. It’s probably not the set/rep scheme you use in the gym, and it’s definitely not your genetics. Make no mistake about it; your limiting factor nearly always is about the 160+ hours per week that you spend outside of gym.
And what do you think is the most important factor in those 160+ hours? What is the greatest impact on your body composition, health and performance? Answer: Nutrition.
Whether you want to gain muscle, lose fat, or just live healthy, the limiting factor is almost always nutrition.
Poor nutrition is what holds you back. And good nutrition is what will move you forward. Good nutrition is what will feed muscle and shed fat. It’s what will improve nearly every health marker you can measure. It’s what will drastically improve recovery and mood, so you can work harder, longer. Good nutrition is what will get you the body you never thought you could have.
Change your nutrition, and you’ll change your body entirely. Change your nutrition, and you’ll quite literally change your life.
Just look at people who have made major changes to their body – and I mean major changes, the type of changes that make people take notice when you enter the room. The common denominator is that they all completely changed their nutrition.
“Well, great,” you say, “I understand the importance of nutrition to my body – and I do want to change – the question is how!”
Enter my Lean Body Coaching Program.
I’ve tried many ways/diets/programs to get the best results out of my clients and myself. In fact, I probably know more about what doesn’t work. And the funny thing about knowing what doesn’t work is that it’s the surest way to figuring out what does.
From this knowledge and experience, I’ve created a Lean Body Coaching program that contains everything you need to know about nutrition to make dramatic, rapid changes to your body for life.
“But I think my nutrition is already pretty good – do I still need this?”
That’s a good question. But first of all, how do you know your nutrition plan is good?
Because you “try to eat healthy?” Because you think your diet is low or high carb, low or high fat, low or high protein, or high in fiber? Or any other one of those fad diets.
Or do you even follow a Nutrition Plan?? Do you simply eat what is in front of you?
Let me lay this out in the clearest, most concise way I know how . . .
If you don’t already have the body you want, then your nutrition plan is not good enough.
Listen, the only one way to determine whether your nutrition plan is any good is look at your results. That’s the plain truth. I don’t care if your plan meets so-and-so’s guidelines, or is “low-carb” or contains enough vitamin C or whatever the latest B.S. indicator of good nutrition is in the popular press.
There is only one rule: what works is good; what doesn’t is not. That’s the only rule I live by.
The Lean Body Coaching Program is entirely outcome-based – it’s about getting results and nothing else. So if you want to know whether this program is right for you, then just ask yourself this question:
“Do I have the body I really, truly want?”
Answer it honestly – don’t worry, no one is listening.
If the answer is yes, then great.
But if you answered no, I don’t yet have the body I really want– then I can say without the slightest hesitation that this program is exactly what you need. Optimizing your nutrition plan is the true secret to transforming your body – and this program will show you exactly how to do it.
What is the cost and what do I get?
Let me warn you: this is a program that you must stick to and follow. If you are not committed to following exactly what is in this program, then you can keep living with the body you have right now.
But, if you’ve finally decided it’s time to get serious about building the body you’ve always wanted, then follow this program.
Simply put, my program is based on getting results, period. It’s a program built for one purpose only: to give you precise control over your body through nutrition and exercise.
Here is what you get in The Lean Body Coaching Program
12 weeks to your new Body Transformation Includes
- Body Composition Analysis, done initially and every 2 weeks to see your results. Measurements, Body Fat %, and Weigh in.
- Good Bye Photos: called this for a reason, it’s the goodbye before and after photos.
- Fitness Assessment: Endurance and Stamina test. Done initially and on the last day to show your physical improvements.
- First 4 weeks you will learn to workout with me. This can be done either from my private gym or your home. (Please note that a $10 charge is added to travel to Cranbrook per session).
- The last 8 weeks you get one Workout with me/week.
- Total training workout sessions = 16 sessions.
- Also, you get 3, 30 minute HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts so you can add workouts in to your busy life.
- You get my exercise DVD: ‘Get Shredded’. Value of $15.00.
- Integrated workout and habit tracking Journal. Every day, you have two simple questions to answer: 1) “Did you do your workout?” and 2) “Did you do practice your habit?” Simple, yes or no. You record in your journal and I will hold you accountable for this every single day.
- The Lean Body Nutrition Plan: a Habit based plan. Diet plans are useless; people follow them only for a short period, if at all, and it always ends in failure. Reason: it’s too much at once. I do it a little differently. I teach you how to eat the Lean Body way, one very small piece at a time. I will introduce a new habit only once every 2-3 weeks, if you are ready. This way, lean body eating will come so naturally to you that you could do it without thinking — automatically – for the rest of your life.
- A menu plan with recipes.
- 6 Nutrition Lessons. Every 2 weeks you get a new Nutrition Lesson: Lesson-What you are eating right now, is doing to your body, Lesson-Kitchen Make-Over, Lesson-Grocery Shopping Tour, Lesson-Nutrition Facts and Labeling Decoding, Lesson-Learn to Eat Healthy while dinning out and Lesson-Learn to Cook Healthy (I cook for you).
- Anytime motivation and support. I am on-call for you. A coach’s job is to lead the way — to push you, pick you up and keep you going as the situation requires. I want you to succeed, and I know that having support will help you to succeed; this is why I am offering ANYTIME motivation and support. Let me be your resource and coach.
Recap of what you get:
-2 initial meetings (Body Comp. Assessment and Fitness Assessment)
-1 Meeting to Introduce to you your New Lean Body Coaching Program
-16 Butt-Kicking Workout Sessions
-3, 30 minute HIIT Workouts
-Workout DVD: ‘Get Shredded’
-6 Nutrition Lessons
-And of Course Me:
Regular Price (Cash or Cheque): $800.
That's only $266.67/Month
That's only $266.67/Month
Compare these prices to other gyms and trainers and they want $45-up to $100/session. Do the research. Google it. No one else has this offer. No one else has the passion that I have for you to change your life by changing the way you eat and ultimately the way you live. This is something that you cannot put a price tag on. Make a commitment to you; start to make YOU the priority in your life.
Please note that there is an additional $10 charge to travel outside of Kimberley per visit.